Most of us in the United States are not happy with the current status
of…well, anything! The powers that be have gone to the extreme, and
peaked with the COVID-19 reactions. Shutting businesses down, isolating
society, and running away from a virus that we can’t escape has created a
global catastrophe, the repercussions just now being felt. The real
estate market in many areas have been especially hard hit. In Oregon,
landlords took a back seat to the tenants. Actually that would have been
acceptable. Instead, they have been thrown UNDER the bus, ran over,
then backed over a few times. Along with horrible “rent control”,
housing shortage, and inflation, it is the most difficult market since
the bubble popped in 2008.
So here we are facing down 2023, with all the optimism we Oregonians
can muster. No matter who won the Governor seat, the losing side is
bound to move to friendlier pastures. That should mean an increase in
listings, and hopefully soften the market, making it easier for buyer’s
agents to find homes for their clients. We shall see.